Fuji GFX 50s: Train Spotting
Posted by Scott Dordick on 9th May 2017
A few days ago I was able to take the new Fuji GFX 50s out
and shoot with it. I was really hoping I would not like this camera, Fuji makes
great cameras, but I did not want to be lusting for an expensive medium format
system (although this camera is not expensive for a medium format). I kept
trying to tell myself “this is not a camera for the kind of photography I
do”. Well, as I was trying not to want
one, I found myself wanting one. The 14 stops of dynamic range and its ability
to resolve fine detail was incredible. For my style of hiking and walking
around photography I did find that the 63 F2.8
(50mm equivalent) was lightweight and easy to carry but the 32-66 F4.0
(25mm-51mm eq) was too heavy to want to walk around with. Fuji is releasing
more lenses before the end of the year and I think the 23 F4.0 (18mm eq) would
be the perfect lightweight landscape lens.
When I shot the train station, It was very dark out. I
wanted it to be lighter so I overexposed by about 2 stops, which overexposed
the light in the top of the clock. The crop of the clock shows the incredible
detail the camera is capable of. I used my Acratech GP Ballhead for the 40
second exposure.